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Affiliate Marketing

As more and more companies are establishing their businesses on the Internet, affiliate programs have risen in popularity as a strong internet marketing tool. Assigned affiliates get rewarded for directing traffic and potential customer to the company’s website. This is an excellent way to earn some extra cash on your website, as an affiliate. Learn all about it!

Maximize Your Profits With Affiliate Programs For Affiliate Marketing

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Obviously, affiliate marketing is a huge draw for budding entrepreneurs or you wouldn't be here reading this article. Most affiliate marketers look for affiliate marketing opportunities that cater to the consumer market. This makes sense because there are far more consumers surfing the web than small business owners. That said, there is a growing market for B2b (business to business) affiliate marketing. Affiliate programs for affiliate marketers fall under this heading.

Whatever the business, every web owner is going to need to track traffic and incoming keywords, not just affiliate marketers. Unlike some other B2b programs, a site-tracking program caters to every type of business.
B2b affiliate marketing products are either product or service based, much like B2c (business to consumer) affiliate marketing programs. When it comes to affiliate marketing, you have to look at those programs that affiliate marketers need most. Just look how this site itself is set up. We provide affiliate links to web hosts, site meter software and more.

Affiliate Programs For Marketers

Affiliate marketers have specific needs compared to other types of business. Of course, some of these affiliate programs can cross over into other types of business (such as web hosting). Let's look at affiliate programs specifically aimed at marketers.

Web Hosting

As mentioned, this could apply to all ebusinesses, but as affiliate marketing is web-only, this is a highly important affiliate program for marketers. What's also good about a web hosting affiliate program is it can be placed on virtually any affiliate marketing site. It's always recommended that affiliate links be on topic with the main purpose of the site.

Basically, any type of affiliate marketing site could include a web-hosting program and remain on topic. Even more importantly, web-hosting programs have some of the better payouts of all affiliate-marketing programs.

Site Tracking Software

Every affiliate marketer needs keyword tracking software. Again, this type of program can be cross-topic, like web hosting. Whatever the business, every web owner is going to need to track traffic and incoming keywords, not just affiliate marketers. Unlike some other B2b programs, a site-tracking program caters to every type of business. Check our site for available software programs for both affiliate marketers and other web entrepreneurs.

The other affiliate programs we mention online are demographic specific: poker, education, dating, etc. Every affiliate marketer could add links to both web hosting and web software, regardless of the main theme of the website. As these types of programs also have a high payout, there's no reason not to offer these programs on any affiliate marketing site.

Top 10 Programs

Program Commission
1 Direct Net Partners $50 CPA Review
2 $50 CPA Review
3 $150 CPA Review
4 $90 CPA Review
5 Intertops 30% CPO Review
6 AffiliateEdge 50% CPO Review
7 BestPay Partners 40% CPO Review
8 Market Health $20 CPA Review
9 RevenueJet 35% CPO Review
10 MedStore 29% CPO Review