Conversion, Design & UX

How To Use Website Templates For Affiliate Marketing

Three elements are crucial when optimization of your website is Design, Html and Css. They help you increase usability, structure website content and not to forget; make it look good. If you haven’t picked these important factors for a successful affiliate strategy it’s about time. You’ve come to the right place. Enjoy!

When it comes to web design, there’s both good news and bad news for affiliate marketers. The good news is that it is much easier to design quality websites than in the past. The bad news is that it’s much easier to design quality websites than it has been in the past. How can it be both? With the ease of designing quality websites comes much heavier competition.

“Now affiliate marketers can download complete templates that look as professional as corporate-owned websites. Still, you can find plenty of affiliate sites with design that looks circa 1998, so it is still quite possible to separate from the pack of affiliate marketers.”

Don’t let that sway you, but there is a much different web climate than in the recent past. Now affiliate marketers can download complete templates that look as professional as corporate-owned websites. Still, you can find plenty of affiliate sites with design that looks circa 1998, so it is still quite possible to separate from the pack of affiliate marketers.

Affiliate Marketing Templates

Let’s look at the positive aspects of affiliate marketing web design, aside from increased competitiveness. If you have little experience with web design and want to start up a website with limited work, there are a number of web hosts that include simple-to-use web design software. Web design templates are your best bet because they are fully functioning websites right out of the box.

If you’re concerned that a web design template will be used by a competitor, you can change minor issues such as fonts, colors schemes and the like, which will separate the site from existing sites. As there are so many web templates available, this is not necessarily of paramount concern. There are more than enough web templates to go around.

For an affiliate marketer, pre-designed web templates are particularly useful. Affiliate marketing is most effective when a marketer has a stable of sites running at once. It is not enough to set up one website and hope for the best. Most successful affiliate marketers run a stable of sites, with varying affiliate links aimed at different demographics.

When it comes to web marketing, there is strength in numbers. The more sites you run, the better chance you have that you’ll turn a profit. Since web hosting and web design are relatively cheap, it is possible for an affiliate marketer to run this stable of sites. In addition, because web templates come pre-made, an affiliate marketer can run several sites almost instantly.

In the past, a marketer would have to spend long hours designing each site. Now, with pre-made templates and user-friendly design software, an affiliate marketer can design several sites in the time it may have taken to design one site in the past.

Affiliate Web Design Do’s and Don’ts

Web design software makes it easy to design a header so that the site’s purpose is easily recognizable. It’s always important to make sure that the affiliate links are easily accessible. One mistake novice marketers make is overloading the site with affiliate links. More is not necessarily better. If a site becomes too cluttered with affiliate links, surfers will not see the site as a legitimate website.

Don’t clutter together too many affiliate links and don’t put together too many links on divergent topics. This ties into any optimization campaign. The design of the site and any keyword marketing effort needs to be interrelated, so when a surfer comes to the site looking for a specific search term, he’ll find the information and offers he needs.

New marketers make the mistake of being overly general, thinking this will bring in a wider pool of web surfers. What actually happens is that the site has difficulty branding, as it doesn’t have a central purpose.

A website must be a healthy mix between eye-catching design, informative content and affiliate links. You should peruse successful affiliate sites to see just how they balance these criteria. It’s a bit difficult to make a blanket statement about how a website should look because each website is different.

A casino website will have much different criteria than a flower shop. Generally, you need to include easy-to-read and use top navigation which links to the major click-points on the site. You can narrow this down with buttons and lists elsewhere on the site, such as a list of articles.

Mixing up fonts and colors (though not overusing either) is a good idea to help separate different sections. You could even try several different designs to see which is the most effective at retaining visitors and leading to better conversions.

How To Use Website Templates For Affiliate Marketing